HFF Flycast, September 2022

HFF Flycast, September 2022

Volume 15, No. 2, September 2022

Welcome to the September edition of Flycast.

Editor: An individual who does precise guess-work based on unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge.

In this month’s edition I have taken advantage of John Juracek’s kind approval to use his articles in our Newsletter. John’s article serves as a timely reminder of some basic principles of casting that we occasionally forget in trying to shoot that extra few feet of line.

Also in this edition is a short check-list for fishing in Tasmania (or any other colder climate) and some information about fly lines from Bob Young and Mike Stevens of Essential Flyfisher. Again these experts kindly allowed us to include this advice for our members.

Our Know Your Fish this month was suggested by Rodney. Researching the Silver Drummer was frustrating as the only usually reliable sources cited a maximum weight that was clearly disputed by several claims and photographs on the internet. Perhaps the silver drummer’s reputation as being inedible means it has received less attention from record keepers than other species.

This reputation was best illustrated by one fisherman who stated that if wrecked with a shipmate and a silver drummer on a desert island and faced with starvation he would beat his mate to death with the silver drummer, eat him and throw away the drummer!

This month a party of twelve members travelled to Coffs Harbour to Visit MO Tackle. Mike Kowalski won the raffle and his report will be included in the next issue along with photo’s from Dawn. Obviously no raffle was run by our travellers to the Swansea Salmon Bash but we do have some photos.

Next month’s issue will also include a report of the trout release that is taking place next week. Our members are certainly keeping busy.

May your waders never leak and you always have a tight line.


View/download September 2022 edition

Volume 15, No. 2, September 2022
President's Report2
Editor's Message3
Executive & Committee4
Izzy's Words of Wisdom5
Know Your Fish - Silver Drummer6
August Outing - Harrington7
Fly Tying Bench19
Members' Forum21
Five Fly Casting Tips22
Guyra Troutfest23
Swansea Salmon Classic24
The Expert's Advice27
Casting For Recovery32
Our Supporters33
Membership Forms34