HFF Flycast, December 2024/January 2025

HFF Flycast, December 2024/January 2025

Volume 17, No. 1, December ’24/January ’25

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2025!

Dave' first carp

Apologies for the delay in getting this newsletter out. After spending several weeks in Sydney for Ann’s second hip replacement, some things had to take a backseat. On behalf of Ann, I’d like to extend our gratitude to everyone who sent their well-wishes and the thoughtful card, organised by our social secretary.

I’d also like to give a special thanks to everyone who contributed photos and articles for this edition. A special shout-out goes to Julian for his two excellent pieces:

  • Green Around the Gills — covering the political moves to limit or stop trout releases in certain NSW rivers.
  • An insightful article about the Casting for Recovery Program, which may be impacted if the Dutton Trout Hatchery faces closure or privatisation.

These are important topics for our community, and I highly recommend reading both articles. We’ve also included Steve Samuels’ letter from “Fishing World,” discussing the challenges facing trout stocking and its potential impacts.

In addition, we have news and information on the Harrington Fly Fest, coming up on March 28-30, the January Outing Report, and an update on an unofficial outing at the Settlement Point (not North Haven sand-flats, as some unnamed individuals thought!)

Fly Tyer’s Bench
This month, Paul’s been busy tying multiple flies (perhaps to avoid a few household chores!) Featured flies include:

  • Fly of the Month – Fed’s Polar Fibre Bream Fly Variant
  • Bead Head Yellow Squiggly
  • Two Freshwater Emergers – Fed’s Pheasant Tail Possum Emerger, Simple Possum Emerger

Instructions for these and other flies can be found on our website, so be sure to check it out!

I highly recommend reading these articles, and I encourage more members to contribute to future editions. As always, I strive to make these newsletters a reflection of our Club’s activities, especially fishing. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so feel free to share photos or interesting articles related to fishing techniques or topics that may interest other members.

May your waders never leak, and you always have a tight line.


View/Download HFF Flycast - December January 2025 edition

Volume 17, No. 1, December 2024/January 2025
President’s Message2
Editor’s Message3
Executive & Committee4
Izzy’s Words of Wisdom5
Social Welfare Report5
Trout Stocking in NSW – Issues6
Green Around the Gills: The Battle Over Trout Stocking in the Monaro Region10
Casting for Recovery15
Harrington Fly Fest18
January Outing Report21
Upcoming Events22
Some Things Fishy23
Fly Tyers Bench26
Members’ Forum27
Our Supporters28
Membership Forms29