Aims and Ideals
- To promote responsible fishing1 practices including catch and release techniques where appropriate1 .
- To promote all aspects2 of the sport of Fly-Fishing.
- To provide opportunities to increase the knowledge and skills of its members by providing casting training opportunities and fly tie nights3.
- To provide new members with a Club introduction pack4 .
- To hold periodic Club demonstration days5 to encourage recruitment of new members and promote the profile of the Club.
- To have regular outings6 to encourage social interaction including participation of family members of all ages.
- To engage in activities7 to raise funds for the ongoing resource benefit of the Club.
- To provide all new members with Club membership details8 and a copy of the Club Constitution.
- To develop ongoing relationships with other fishing clubs9 .
- To positively expand and enhance members experiences by the sharing and pooling of all knowledge and resources available to Club Members10 .
1. “Responsible fishing” would include taking adequate safety precautions and adhering to rules and regulations regarding fishing in NSW.
1. The use of the word “appropriate” is because it may NOT be appropriate in some circumstances to practice catch and release. eg: Carp Bash occasions, etc.
2. All aspects would include casting, fly tying and any other ancillary activities.
3. Eg., Wader safety days etc. Friendly Intra Club competition to include such things as casting comps and games at the Xmas party etc.
4. The Club Intro Pack to include NSW fishing rules and regs as well as information on local waters etc.
5. Eg., Fly tying demos at shopping centres; BBQ’s in support of Sponsor promotions etc.
6. To wherever possible pick family friendly venues for Club outings.
7. Eg., BBQ at Sponsors premises. Ongoing resourcing to include replacement of Club fly tying materials, BBQ gas replacement, camping equipment etc.
8. Club information to be made available upon commencement of Club membership.
9. Eg,. Joint outings and activities with other clubs, eg. Hunter Valley Fly Fishing Club, Coffs Coast Fly Fishing Club, where possible.
10. Sharing information and knowledge. Tips etc via Newsletter; Access to new fishing venues as they become available and any other info or tips for Club members. To be disseminated either via the Newsletter or at Club meetings.