HFF Flycast, July/August 2023

HFF Flycast, July/August 2023

Volume 15, No. 8, July/August 2023

President David Spencer lands his 10lb trout, Dunmore Trout Waters

Welcome to our Newsletter for July & August.

Our AGM for 2023 is now done and dusted and, although I was unable to attend, from the photos I have seen, and based on reports from some members, it appears that an enjoyable time was had by those in attendance. It was also good to hear that Life Member Bob Dove was able to make it to the meeting and meet up with some old friends, and new club members.

Thanks go to all the members who attended and assisted with preparations leading up to the AGM.
Thanks to all who were prepared to continue making sure we have a viable and enjoyable club.

New committee member Michael Kowalski.

We have a new — but somehow strangely familiar — executive for the coming year. I would like to especially welcome Michael (right) as our newest committee member. I am sure he will make a valuable contribution to the club.

I am proud to continue on as President of Hastings Fly Fishers. I think that we do have a club that is worth belonging to, and I look forward to working with the committee, and members in general, to do our best to ensure that our club is one that fly fishers want to be a part of it. In that regard, as always, I and members of the exec, would encourage members to have input into what they would like from the club, what is working, or not working. The active involvement of members is the key to a successful club.

I look forward to seeing you on a river somewhere!


View/download July August 2023 edition

Volume 15, No. 8, July/August 2023
President’s Message2
Editor’s Message3
Executive & Committee4
Izzy’s Words of Wisdom5
Social Welfare5
The AGM6
August Outing – Settlement Point13
Upcoming Events17
Fly Tier’s Bench18
NZ Trout Festival – 16 September19
Rise Film Festival – PMQ20
River Safety Tips21
Members’ Forum22
Our Supporters24
Membership Forms25