HFF Flycast, March/April 2023
Volume 15, No. 6, March/April 2023
Welcome to a rather delayed HFF Newsletter for March and April. I trust everyone had a safe and enjoyable Easter, and maybe the opportunity for some piscatorial pursuits!
Since the last Newsletter, we have had a successful (although at times some unexpected issues with travel arrangements) trip to NZ. The weather was generally kind to us, as were the fish with I think somewhere in the order of 40+ trout caught. Scenery wise, the quality of the rivers/lakes and, of course, the prospect of some very big trout, would have to make NZ one of the most spectacular locations to fish. This Newsletter contains just some of the photos taken during the trip. One thing I think became evident to some of us during our time there…casting with 18 foot leaders, in a fast flowing river, is a challenge!
We have also had a successful outing to North Haven sand flats, with yours truly having an interesting experience with a flathead!
It seems amazing to think that we are again getting close to our AGM in July. Where has the year gone? So please have a think about whether you would like to make a contribution to the success of our club by taking on one of the administrative roles. If you would be interested in that please let me know.
I look forward to seeing you on a river somewhere!
Volume 15, No. 6, March/April 2023
President's Report | 2 |
Editor's Message | 3 |
Executive & Committee | 4 |
Izzy's Words of Wisdom | 5 |
Club Matters | 6 |
Outing - Stuarts Point | 7 |
NZ Trip | 11 |
Outing - North Haven | 20 |
Uncle Billy's | 22 |
Fly Tiers Bench | 26 |
Upcoming Events | 27 |
Members Forum | 29 |
Our Supporters | 30 |
Membership Forms | 31 |