HFF Flycast – April 2019

HFF Flycast – April 2019

What a great month! I have never attended an event like the Forster Fly Muster. Over 100 avid fly fishers from NSW and interstate gathered together to share knowledge and enjoy themselves whilst contributing to a good cause.

One of the highlights for me was meeting Shannon Kitchener of “Parallel lines” who tied several of his flies including his “whiting mesmeriser”. Shannon has not only starred in films shown at the “Rise Film Festival” but is also a talented artist and all-round nice guy.

Our President has written a full account of the event of our member’s participation so I won’t try to steal his thunder other than to advise any members who have the opportunity to attend next year’s muster as I believe it will be even larger than this year (don’t miss the Friday night beer and oyster opportunity at the resort).

The other highlight of this month was visiting two possible new sites for inclusion in our restocking locations under the auspices of the New England Trout Acclimatisation Society. Both sites appear suitable but unfortunately the vehicle access to one of the sites is a little “iffy”. Rodney and I did manage to reach it and get back home but on a couple of occasions we were apprehensive and glad that Rodney had thought to bring along his PLB, a safety precaution that I would recommend to anyone travelling in a single vehicle on less travelled tracks.

Next month is the Penrith Fly Expo and several of our members will be travelling down to Panthers country and will no doubt have a report for the May Newsletter. Until then…

Tight lines,

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Volume 10, No. 9, April 2019
President’s Message3
Editor's message4
Club Executive, Committe and Delegates5
Know Your Fish6
Club Calendar7
February Outing Report8
Social Welfare Secretary's Report15
Iain's Tip16
Bob's Tip16
Fly Tie Night, March 1917
Thank You Supporters!18