
Source: The Fly Tyers Bible, p.128-29

In lakes and slower moving rivers, the larvae of the chironomid midge make a large part of the trout’s diet. They vary in colour from pale green and brown to a bright blood red.

These red larvae, known by anglers as bloodworm, live the bulk of their lives in silt tubes, but when disturbed or migrating can move by a sinuous lashing motion.

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Flies for Wilson River, Telegraph Point

Flies for Wilson River, Telegraph Point

Recommended flies: Vince’s Loud Mouth Popper, JOS Gurgler, Vince’s Diving Gurgler, Bass Vampire, Clouser Deep minnow.

Target fish: bass, bream, mullet

I think 2 surface flies, 2 flies for just under the surface or a few feet down and 2 deeper diving flies would be more than adequate.

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