Dobson Fly
The dobson fly, or creeper, is New Zealand’s largest stream insect and looks a bit like a centipede. It is also referred to as a “toe-biter” because of its pincer-like jaws which can give a painful nip. The larvae are around 25 millimetres long and prey on mayfly larvae. They are an important part of the trout diet especially in the larval form.
Dobson flies spend most of their lives in the larval form and take several years to mature. They prefer stony clear water.
Creeper trout fly patterns are an essential part of the fly box. These ugly aquatic nymphs are found throughout NZ though are most common in North Island waters where they make a sizeable proportion of the trout’s diet. Anyone wading barefoot will at some time have found out why they are also known as toe-biters. Sizes 12 – 14
Dobson Fly Nymph or Toe-biter | New Zealand Trout Food – Aspiring Fly Fishing
- Hook: Size 8 –2/0 3XL Nymph/Streamer hook
- Thread: Black
- Tail/Mandible: Black turkey biot
- Body: Black or brown chenille
- Ribbing: Black wire
- Legs: Black rubber