

Galaxias, commonly known as galaxids, are small, delicate freshwater fish endemic to Australia. Renowned for their slender bodies and adaptability to various aquatic environments, these species play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of their habitats. Among the galaxids, the Common Galaxias (Galaxias maculatus) and the Yalmy Galaxias (Galaxias sp. Read More »

Redfin Perch

Redfin Perch

Perca fluviatilis
Perca fluviatilis

Redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis), also known as English perch, is a medium sized freshwater fish native to northern Europe. First introduced to Tasmania in 1862 (two years before the first trout) for angling, only eleven fish survived the arduous journey by sailing vessel and were released into Tasmanian waters. Read More »

Silver Perch

Silver Perch

Scientific name Bidyanus bidyanus

Silver Perch are a moderate to large freshwater fish native to and once widespread and abundant throughout most of the Murray-Darling river system. They have now declined close to the point of extinction in the wild. Based on simple catchment area estimates, the silver perch has disappeared from 87% of its former range. Read More »

Know Your Fish – Brook Trout

Know Your Fish – Brook Trout

Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are a slender and elongated fish that generally resemble a Brown Trout in form. Brook Trout can be differentiated by their large mouth which extends beyond the level of the eye. They have an olive-green background body colour with pale, worm-like lines and spots (called vermiculation) of lighter shades across the flanks and back and extending at least to the dorsal fin, and often to the tail. Read More »