Royal Grey Ugly

Royal Grey Ugly

The big brother to the Griffith’s Gnat and Renegade fly patterns, the Grey Ugly would be more aptly named “The Sure Thing” or “Silver Bullet” when fish are feeding on large Chironomids or Mosquito!


  • Hook: #14 dry
  • Thread: Black Griffith’s Sheer 14/0. Red woolly nylon
  • Hackle: Grizzly Rooster Cape or Saddle
  • Body: Peacock Herl

Tying Instructions

  1. Crush the barb.
  2. Cover the hook with thread.
  3. Above the bar, tie in and make five turns of Grizzly hackle. Trim

Nor-vise method

  1. Return the thread to the starting point.
  2. Tie in two peacock herls and spin them back around the hook.
  3. Wrap the herl to the grizzly hackle and back to the starting point and tie off.

Non Nor-vise method

  1. Tie in the hearl just in front of the hackle.
  2. Let the bobbin hang and use it to keep the herls together as you wrap to the starting point.
  3. Tie off.
  1. Half hitch and cut the thread.
  2. Make four wraps of red woolly nylon in the middle of the herl.
  3. Then make a four-turn whip finish and trim the thread.
  1. Reattach the black thread and in another grizzly hackle.
  2. Make four or five turns and then tie off.
  3. Half hitch and a half hitch whip finish.
  4. Trim the hackle under the hook so it is flat.

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Charlie Craven ties the Royal Grey Ugly