Who’s Who in the Zoo

Current Executive

David Spencer

David Spencer


Julian Tapping

Julian Tapping

Vice President, Webmaster

Robin Shenton

Robin Shenton


Vice President Ron Hopkins

Ron Hopkins

Secretary, Chief Gear Steward

Dawn Hopkins

Dawn Hopkins

Assistant Secretary

Club Patron

Brian Henderson

Brian Henderson


We are proud to have as our Patron Brian Henderson who holds all three International Federation of Fly Fishers (IFFF) Casting Certificates and is one of only approximately 50 in the world to hold that level of certification.

Brian was recently elected onto the FFI Casting Board of Governors.

Committee Members and Delegates

Don Dixon

Don Dixon

Committee Member

Frank "Dick" Boyd

Frank “Dick” Boyd

Committee Member

Michael Kowalski

Michael Kowalski

Committee Member

John O'Shaughnessy

John O’Shaughnessey

Club Captain

Ken Holley

Ken Holley

Club Captain

Vice President Ron Hopkins

Ron Hopkins

Public Officer, Catering Officer

Dawn Hopkins

Dawn Hopkins

Sheriff, Clubroom Attendant, Catering Officer

Dave Spencer

David Spencer

Outings Coordinator, Newsletter Editor

Paul Fedeles

Paul Fedeles

Fly Tie Coordinator

Sue Shenton

Sue Shenton

Social Welfare Secretary
